Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Still Here

Whoa - I went back and looked at my last entry, June 10, 2010. Whew, quite awhile ago I must say. A lot has happened, and yet not so much as you might think. My, our, lives are pretty filled with my illness and all the surrounding hoopla it entails. In July we traveled back and forth to USC and Kaiser; the same for August, September, October and November. We also managed to file for my driver's license to be renewed and kept up the MRI struggle. Who will pay for it and the never ending battles with the insurance companies.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Davis Enterprise

After medical crisis, a journey begins
By Jeff Hudson | Enterprise staff writer | June 07, 2010 07:54
Lenny Oldwin, 56, of Davis is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment for glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, while he waits to see whether he'll be accepted into a trial program for a new form of treatment. Oldwin is blogging about his health care journey. (Wayne Tilcock/Enterprise photo)
Lenny Oldwin's personal encounter with brain cancer began with a horrific freeway accident on a rainy February day.
Oldwin, an attorney, had been working at his office in Fairfield on Feb. 23. He was interviewing candidates for an office position, and - looking back - he recalls 'I wasn't acting right.' He asked some questions that weren't entirely on the mark, and sometimes experienced a sense of anxiety. He remembers looking at his computer screen, and thinking that the screen was 'going up and down, big and small.
'And then ... I got in my car (to head back to Davis), and after that I don't remember anything.'
He drove about 15 miles, and then the accident occurred, between Fairfield and Vacaville.
'The accident report says I was in the lane next to the fast lane, when I started to go over into the fast lane. The car that was in the fast lane had to speed up so I didn't hit him. He told the officer that even looking at me in his rear-view mirror during a downpour, he could see that something was wrong with me.'
Oldwin's SUV went through the fast lane and hit a metal divider that separates the westbound and eastbound traffic, taking out a 25- to 30-foot section. His SUV then made a right angle and sailed through four lanes of oncoming traffic, went down a small ravine, through a chain-link fence, across a frontage road, cut a telephone pole in half, and then knocked down another chain-link fence.
Miraculously, Oldwin survived, and while he was in some pain, he was able to move his arms and legs, and even walk a little bit.
An ambulance took him to the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.
'They did an MRI, and noticed a mass in my brain,' Oldwin said. 'Fortunately, the mass was in a good spot, a quarter-inch to half an inch from the top of the brain.' In other words, the doctors felt they could remove it.
With brain surgery, it's never easy to say with certainty how things will go. Wife Nora Oldwin said the doctors warned her 'he might not come out of surgery alive, or he might be blind, or might be paralyzed, or unable to speak.'
The operation - scheduled for four hours or longer - was over in just 2 1/2 hours. And as Oldwin recovered, he felt pretty much like his usual self.
'Lenny was really lucky,' Nora said. 'He didn't hit anybody in the accident, he wasn't badly hurt, he came through the surgery basically OK.'
Tests determined that the tumor was a glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Oldwin, 56, started radiation and chemotherapy, 'which almost everyone (with the disease) does.' He considered taking Avastin, a pharmaceutical that is sometimes described as 'tumor-starving,' but one that can also produce serious - and sometimes fatal - side-effects. Oldwin decided it was not for him.
And Oldwin started researching glioblastoma, looking for options. He found something called Novocure, a new treatment that is going into Phase III trials, the last phase before Food and Drug Administration approval.
Novocure uses a lightweight electronic device that is connected by insulated wires to electrodes placed on the shaved scalp. The electrodes resemble bandages with wires attached. The patient wears the device continuously, and during treatment is able to maintain normal daily activity.
Oldwin asked his doctor about Novocure, 'and he kind of rolled his eyes,' Oldwin recalled. But the doctor checked out the suggestion anyway, and discovered that 'according to the early studies, it has a high success rate,' Oldwin said. 'He was surprised he hadn't heard of it.'
A bit more research found that Novocure trials in the United States would start in April. Oldwin will be evaluated as a possible participant sometime this week.
The freeway accident, the hospitalization and the cancer treatments have generated a mind-numbing volume of paperwork, which is largely handled by Nora.
'I've turned over the administrative part to her,' Oldwin said. 'My functioning is on survival, that's all I want to focus on.'
Neighbor Eileen Jaffe organized a team of volunteers to drive Oldwin to his radiation treatments in Sacramento, and bring meals to the Oldwin home periodically.
'I didn't realize how many people cared,' Oldwin said.
And since he doesn't always have the energy to talk with everyone who wants to wish him a full recovery, Oldwin started a blog.
'It's really just to keep people informed about what I'm doing and how I'm progressing,' he said. 'But I also want to comment on political things. For instance, I write about health care, which is important to me. If I had not had insurance, what would have happened? How long would it have taken them to work on me, and what would have been the bill? And who would have paid it?
'As it is, having insurance can be a nightmare. But without insurance, it would have been much worse.'
What will come next? Only time will tell whether Oldwin will get to participate in the Novocure trial - and whether it will help.
Oldwin is grateful to the many friends and neighbors who have rallied to support him and his family, and he is particularly thankful for his wife.
'Although we share our lives and agreed a long time ago that our bond was for better or worse, I don't think either of us contemplated something like brain cancer at age 56,' he said. I WILL BEAT THIS.
- Reach Jeff Hudson at or (530) 747-8055. Comment on this story at
Follow him online
Lenny Oldwin is describing his experience with brain cancer in a blog called 'Lenny's Cafe,' at
A sample from the May 23 posting, regarding the difficulty of being covered by one health care provider while needing services from another:
'Unfortunately, because we don't have universal health care, or as some would like to claim, socialized health care, (my upcoming) clinical trial requires that all subsequent MRIs be conducted at USC. Now, my insurance, Kaiser, also requires that I receive MRIs every two months, but they will only pay for them if done at a Kaiser facility.
'USC won't accept the Kaiser MRIs and Kaiser won't pay for the USC MRIs. They are quite expensive. So, I might fall victim to what's known as collateral damage. In other words, I might die because people in this great country of ours are so afraid of the term 'socialized' anything.
'In fact, as you can imagine, I have done a lot of research on the topic of cancer in recent times, and discovered that in all likelihood we actually would have discovered a cure for cancer if not for the likes of recalcitrant politicians and, I use the term loosely here, 'citizen/patriots' such as Glenn Beck, (Sean) Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. They have consistently argued against government involving itself in charities and spending the necessary funds to support research that undoubtedly would have led to a breakthrough cure.
'Of course, Beck earned $38 million last year; Hannity something similar and Limbaugh even more. (Limbaugh, by the way, was the one who claimed he received excellent medical care in Hawaii, without realizing Hawaii has a socialized health are system.) They could easily take care of themselves.'
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tom - Tom Terrific

April 25, 2010:
Saturday, April 17, 2010

I really wanted to buy a Hotel in San Marcos and may still do so.
April 17, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Fight Goes On

April 6, 2010: I had my first treatment yesterday and all went very well. I didn't experience any ill effects, but then it was only the first day of a six week series of treatments. I'm taking so many types of medication, each with it's own regimen as far as at what time and on what day it must be taken that we had to create a color coded calendar just to keep track of them. The heavy duty one, though, is something called "Tamador". It comes in a bio-hazard bag and I'm not suppose to let anyone touch it other than me. Sort of scary, considering I've always, even in my younger days, been really careful about the purity of whatever I ingested. I always knew the source, the potency, and made sure there were no additives. I guess the same can be said about Tamador, but it is definitely a high dose of poison designed to cumulatively build up and specifically to attack and kill cells. For the present time, we are all doing just fine.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Second Opinion

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
In the meantime, I have met with a Doctor from Aptos who specializes in alternative medicines; I have met with a team from Dallas, Texas who provide alternative forms of treatment; I am having my records reviewed by a team of Doctors at UCSF for a consultation and second opinion; And I have ordered a three month supply of a cancer fighting drug from a lab out of Southern California that I will begin taking after my radiation treatment ends. I presently have about 10 to 12 Doctors that I am working with and whom I have all the respect for that is imaginable. These folks are just amazing. The amount of time they put into this is really mind boggling, and still they do it with such care and patience it would seem impossible - yet they manage -
So, the photos are not pretty, sorry about that, but they are real and so is cancer. I WILL BEAT IT THOUGH!